Previously, I discussed that I consider sales force targeting essentially identifying the most promising prospects and suggesting the right product with the right message at the right time.
I’ve also analyzed how to identify the most promising prospect for your product and the related message. Today, I will cover how to properly deliver the right message for effective medical sales targeting. So please read on.
Communicating with doctors

Most people consider what they are saying very important.
For this reason and for compliance with regulations, the marketing and sales departments of pharma and MedTech companies concentrate extremely on the content of their communication. Nonetheless, in every contact, there is a component of information and one of relationship.
The information mainly flows through verbal communication, but the relationship prefers the non-verbal communication pathway.
Sending effective messages to doctors requires that the sales reps state the key elements as briefly and succinctly as possible.
After all, listening to an unorganized speaker is tedious and discouraging, lengthy presentations and circuitous explanations are equally confusing and the message loses its relevance and impact.
To have the opportunity to help the listener understand your perspective and point of view you need to choose your what and how with the intent of making your message as clear as possible, avoiding unnecessary misalignment.
How to deliver the right message

Mirroring is a technique where the sales rep copies some features of the other person. The best sales reps do it subconsciously and we all do this to show interest or attraction. This technique allows the sales reps to build a relationship that can generate a more accessible attitude and amplify the connection with customers.
Mirroring has different dimensions and can be done at these different levels:
Non-verbal mirroring means copying the body language, posture, and attitude of the doctor. It is sufficient to copy 50% of the gesture of the customer to avoid being considered manipulative.
Paraverbal mirroring means copying the conversation style, pace, volume, and tone, of the other person’s speech. The purpose is to create a phonetic convergence with the customer.
Also, we have Verbal mirroring, which implies the use of words and verbal expressions specific to the customer’s language.
If you are thinking about mirroring someone, the key is to do this subtly rather than overperforming and risking being too obvious. Moreover, when you mirror, make sure that you are mirroring neutral or positive non-verbals and nothing negative, like blocking with your arms folded or looking away.
Communication style

Communication styles are described in a range of ways, I will just focus on the classification that identifies three models Visual-, Auditory-, and Kinesthetic-communication style.
Understanding how different people prefer to communicate and adapting to their styles will improve a sales reps interaction and could help prevent misalignment. Likewise, as a sales rep, adjusting the way you deliver the message will not only facilitate communication but also improve sales results.
That said, the first step is to find out your prevalent communication style, by taking for example an online test. The next step is to identify the style of the doctor by observing and listening to the prevalent communication style.
Visual | Auditory | Kinesthetic | |
Verbal | Verbs: to clarify, illustrate, imagine, focus, frame, have a look at, see, observe Words: clear, obscure, brilliant | Verbs: to listen, explain, hear, speak, sound good, ring a bell Words: sound, noisy, citations | Verbs: touch, feel, put in contact, irritate, stimulate Words: heavy, cold hot, quiet |
Paraverbal | Pace: fast Speed: high Volume: high No pause | Pace: regular or monotone Speed: variable Volume: medium | Pace: frequent pauses Speed: slow Volume: low |
Non-verbal | Posture: upright Breathing: rapid and thoracic Glaze: upward Gestures: ample | Posture: tilted Breathing: regular and thoracic Glaze: lateral Gestures: follow the rhythm | Posture: crouched Breathing: slow deep and abdominal Glaze: downward Gestures: limited |
Once the type of doctor is identified you must then adapt your style of communication accordingly.
For example, for visual doctors, use visual aids during your visit. Do not describe features, show them. Using graphics and diagrams is also well-accepted. Then, align your verbal and para-verbal, increasing the speed and pace.
Auditory doctors prefer conversations to presentations, so do not rely too much on your pitch deck or brochure. Their preferred way to learn new concepts is by listening to a well-paced exchange. So keep this in mind when targeting them.
Kinesthetic doctors need to be engaged by physical involvement, for example, demonstrate features and benefits instead of showing pictures or describing them. Organize demos, and workshops and bring samples as this works well with Kinesthetics. Provide brochures and handouts by placing them in their hands, but walk the doctor through them.
The Importance of Consistency
In all of your interactions with doctors, you should strive to send consistent verbal, paraverbal, and nonverbal messages. When the messages are inconsistent, the listener may become confused. Inconsistency normally creates a lack of trust and undermines the chance to build a good relationship.
Also, know that as a sales rep, when you send messages with conflicting verbal, paraverbal, and nonverbal information, the nonverbal information tends to be believed.
The concepts presented in this post have been criticized but most aspects remain true. And this is because we all have preferences in how we interact with others.
As a quick reminder, the sales reps must engage quickly when interacting with doctors. Even if that initial engagement fails to deliver the key information, the initial buy-in opens the door to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship and presenting more influential materials later on.
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