
The skills of successful medical sales reps 

The skills of successful medical sales reps 

If you’re one of those asking what skills a medical sales rep will need to have to successfully navigate the complexity in today's highly competitive medical market, you’ve arrived at the answer.   We can all agree that gone are the days when a sales rep required simple interpersonal, communication, and closing skills. Clearly, the competitiveness of the medical market demands more of a sales rep.  Sales leaders are also not left out and a key issue for them is having a clear understanding of the crucial success factors for selling in their specific competitive environment. Consequently, they can hire, train, and develop the correct set of skills to work in the ever-changing world of medical sales.  These and more is what we’ll discuss shortly and proffer solutions to. But first…
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It’s Time for My Summer Break

It’s Time for My Summer Break

Downstream marketing, Sales, Upstream marketing
As the summer season approaches, it's time for my usual break. For a few weeks, I will pause my postings and plan to return to my regular schedule of bi-weekly updates in September. Before I go, I'd like to share a summary of some series I've published over the years: Cultural Factors in International Medical Sales Selling medical products (devices or drugs) internationally involves understanding and managing cultural differences. Parts one and two of this series examine the importance of cultural sensitivity and the key elements of a country's culture, and their impact on sales. The Importance of Cross-Selling and Upselling In medical sales, upselling and cross-selling are often seen as unethical tactics, and sometimes this view is justified. However, in the first and second posts of this series, I…
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Medical Sales Targeting (Part 4) 

Medical Sales Targeting (Part 4) 

One of the challenges in medical sales is disseminating the right messages to the right doctors at the right time. Previously, I discussed how to identify the right customer and pass the right message; today’s post will focus on when to pass the message, knowing fully well that timing is critical.  This is equally because the degree of difficulty of the “targeting at right time” challenge is unique to each specific message, campaign and customer. Moreover, due to the limited access to doctors, which is steadily increasing year after year, the task of reaching the customer at the right time is even more demanding.   Also, already before the COVID-19 pandemic, many physicians began to restrict visits from pharma reps in some way, and the majority of offices had variable access…
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Medical Sales Targeting (Part 3) 

Medical Sales Targeting (Part 3) 

Previously, I discussed that I consider sales force targeting essentially identifying the most promising prospects and suggesting the right product with the right message at the right time.   I've also analyzed how to identify the most promising prospect for your product and the related message. Today, I will cover how to properly deliver the right message for effective medical sales targeting. So please read on.  Communicating with doctors  Most people consider what they are saying very important.   For this reason and for compliance with regulations, the marketing and sales departments of pharma and MedTech companies concentrate extremely on the content of their communication. Nonetheless, in every contact, there is a component of information and one of relationship.   The information mainly flows through verbal communication, but the relationship prefers the non-verbal…
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Medical Sales Targeting (Part 2) 

Medical Sales Targeting (Part 2) 

Are you looking to improve your sales force targeting and medical sales results?  In my previous post, I covered the importance of sales force targeting, some typical errors, and the financial and non-financial impact of un-targeted sales strategy. Today I will discuss some strategies that can help you increase sales force targeting and improve your medical sales results.  What is sales force targeting?  In my opinion, targeting is identifying the most promising prospects and proposing the right product, with the right message, at the right time. This enables the customer to buy the product with a relatively small sales effort.   How to identify the most promising prospects   One of the objectives of your marketing department is to produce the ideal customer profile. Your ideal customer profile must be based on…
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Medical Sales Targeting (Part 1)

Medical Sales Targeting (Part 1)

Reaching the right doctor with the right product, and the right message, at the right time is the essence of targeting and medical marketing in general.   If you are a medical sales rep working for a pharma or a medical device company, you might already have experienced the frustration of not convincing a prospect about your product.  Even very successful products with high use and market penetration are not for everybody in a given market. As a salesperson, you need to accept that you should not target some potential customers because the chances of selling your product are very low.   The sooner you understand that targeting is not an abstract marketing strategy, the faster your sales results will improve. In fact, implementing precise targeting tactics in your territory is the…
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How To Get The Right Insights From The VOC

How To Get The Right Insights From The VOC

Upstream marketing
Recently I’ve been discussing with a founder of a MedTech start-up on the importance of collecting the VOC (Voice of the customer) and validating the high-risk hypothesis.  I’ve come to observe that MedTech start-up founders are generally very well equipped with scientific knowledge and technical expertise; however, they lack some expertise in properly interacting with customers.  Start-up teams also come up with smart and creative solutions but they frequently risk missing the right insights to validate their solution and high-risk hypothesis​ ​with customers.  While there are many factors to be considered for a successful VOC study, here are my top four:    1. Identify your customer(s)   Before even starting your VOC, it is fundamental to determine who the customer is.   You’ll also need to consider who you need to talk to…
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How customer interviews can help you in defining the price of your new medical device  

How customer interviews can help you in defining the price of your new medical device  

Upstream marketing
A few years ago, I attended a product test where a KOL used a product developed by a start-up to provide feedback. At the end of the test of the highly innovative medical device, a member of the team asked, “How much would you pay for this product?”.  Although the intention was laudable because I agree with collecting data from customers for pricing a new medical device, unfortunately, the question was wrong. Therefore, do not ask this question during customer interviews about the price of new medical devices.    So, if you’re thinking about contacting your potential customers to ask them about pricing of your new medical device, you should read this post to avoid making some of these mistakes.   Why “How much would you pay for this?” is a…
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The 4 Types of Medtech Innovation  

The 4 Types of Medtech Innovation  

Upstream marketing
In the medical device business, the capacity for innovation is commonly regarded as a key competence and a powerful response mechanism for companies operating in our complex and highly competitive environment.   Innovation is generally recognized to be a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon and understanding how it works continues to be a challenge.   The purpose of this post is to help MedTech professionals to better understand the different types of innovation.  As a professional, you'll find this guide useful, so please follow along.  Innovation: The definition   Peter Drucker defines innovation as:   “Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service. It is capable of being presented as a discipline, capable of being learned, capable of…
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