I have decided to start a blog on medical device sales and marketing as an avenue to share some lessons that the medical market has taught me within several years of experience in my career… And because learning never ends, you can always expect more enriching and enlightening content from me.
My entire career has seen me working with physicians, taking on a role as a sales medical representative for a big pharmaceutical company. After which, I now specialize in medical devices.
One of the most impactful experiences I continue to enjoy in the medical line is the privilege availed me to meet, interact, and work with lots of doctors in different specialties and from various countries.

I have learned so much since I decided on the medical career, and sincerely, I have also made my share of mistakes.
Hence, my heartfelt desire is that the insights I will share in my blog series will help you avoid repeating my mistakes.
The ideas you will come across here are not in any way a reinvention of the wheel; instead, they are a product of already proven methods derived from various books, articles, lessons, seminars, courses, and discussions with senior colleagues.
In my subsequent articles, there would be sections where I’ll add my own opinions, based on my wealth of experience; although they may not be considered as a core recipe for success, they will not cease to broaden your perspective.
Given that, I will heartily welcome a two-way window of conversation: I look forward to your feedback, opinions, and experiences, which can help us all increase in learning and see the medical market from a newer angle. Also, feel free to comment, stay in touch, and share your encounters.